
SPOTS was created in 2006 by a group of medical students and dermatology faculty from both Saint Louis University and Washington University Medical Schools in St. Louis, Missouri under the leadership of Stephanie Lickerman, NAP-BC, Community Education Director for the Melanoma Hope Network. This program was established through a collaborative effort between the two medical institutions, a community non-profit organization (the Melanoma Hope Network), and the Rockwood School District. SPOTS is an award-winning program, receiving two Golden Triangle Awards from the American Academy of Dermatology in 2009.

The program is directed and taught for free by volunteer dermatology faculty and medical students. To date, the SPOTS chapters in St. Louis, Missouri have trained more than 600 medical student teachers who have taught more than 40,000 middle- and high-school students at over 30 public and private schools. Furthermore, SPOTS has spread to 7 additional medical schools across the country.

In 2019, SPOTS received an educational grant by the American Skin Association (ASA) to help enhance and expand the program.

Original SPOTS Co-Founders

Stephanie Lickerman, ANP-BC
Sofia Chaudhry, MD
Carey Arthur, MD
Sonya Jagwani, MD
Jason Brandt, MD
Lynn Cornelius, MD
Summer Youker, MD
Scott W. Fosko, MD
Nancy Weaver, PhD

Thank You!

We would like to extend our most sincere thanks to all of the medical student leaders and instructors, school administrators, school teachers, and faculty who have participated in SPOTS. The SPOTS program would not be possible without all their hard work and dedication.

medical school students prepare materials to teach students about skin cancer prevention