Ways to use SPOTS education

SPOTS in person at school graphic
SPOTS Zoom Session at School or Home Graphic
SPOTS self-guided graphic

Guided by a medical student (in person at school)

Our in-school program materials are guided by medical school students and offer education on how to find and prevent skin cancer. This program is designed for students ages 12 and up and takes about 50 minutes to present. There is also a shorter condensed 30 minute option. Recently updated in 2022, the materials includes information about how the sun and skin cancer affect people of all races. A separate 30-minute presentation that focuses on how to find and prevent skin cancer in skin of color is also available.

Guided by a medical student (via Zoom)

Our virtual program materials are guided by medical school students and taught via Zoom or another video conference program. Students can participate while together in the classroom or join from home on their own computers.

There are 2 versions of this guided virtual presentation: the short version (30 minutes) and the full version (50 minutes). There is also a 30-minute presentation that focuses on how to find and prevent skin cancer in skin of color.

Self-guided (at school or home)

Students can use this self-guided learning module to learn about skin cancer prevention on their own. It includes quizzes throughout to keep students involved and repeat important information. Students must pass the quizzes to move on to the next section and teachers can view their students' results. This module takes about 30 minutes to complete.

Preschool and elementary school teachers and parents can use the SPOTS education for younger students materials to teach their students about sun protection.